on humanism and environmental crisis

Archive for March, 2014

TER (towards evolutionary reality) and free will

Our beloved science describes the world better and better. Every day this or that puzzle is solved and the mechanism underlying world’s workings explained.

This includes human behavior- which means our actions.

If science explained it- were our decisions just an illusion of the free will?

Maybe not completely, science doesn’t know everything… yet. But, the smarter we get,  is the amount of the free will shrinking?

Or, while subjectively, we feel like we decide, but really, really- is it not all determined by the complex world machinery? Or some other Omnipotence?

TER, with the mechanisms of the evolution as the underlying principles, is not a new science. It is difficult to call it philosophy- it is too simple, it is kind of attitude or mental trick. But it is very dramatic and counterintuitive, it actually shatters basic common sense.

According to TER, every animal, including humans, with birth , starts building its own universe. It uses its genetics,  instincts, the perception and  the interaction with other animals to build its world. It is the only reality the nervous system can build- with evolutionary constrains- solid and reliable- best for survival.

In human , which is a hypersocial species, the input of others is immense and tightly woven with personal learning. My universe is mine but also my parents’, brothers, friends,

ancestors, teachers, leaders, artists, also monkeys, fish and sponges.

What’s dramatic and truly mind-boggling is, that there is no Nobody’s Universe.

Just mine and yours, and yours and yours- everybody’s Universes  mixed.

There is no division into subjectivity and objectivity. My Universe is real, scientific and built by me. There is no free will questions and problems. I keep building it to be happy and to make you happy, this is my pride and responsibility and concern. In the evolutionary objectivity the free will exist by definition, no matter how much will be “explained’ by science.

The foreboding world-machinery with its predeterminism is snugly tucked inside my worldview and my actions and my figuring things out continuously shift my reality.

Ewolucja i Swiat Nikogo

Ewolucyjna Rzeczywistosc i Swiat Nikogo.  ( To “nikogo” podkresla

stworzona przez nauke (i religie) iluzje , ze zyjemy, kazdy samotnie, w wielkim obcym nieznanym swiecie nikogo (albo Boga), a ja i ty swoimi zmyslami i intelektem zaledwie niezgrabnie pobieramy jego przypadkowe i bezsensowne probki- i to jest cale zycie!)


System nerwowy zwierzęcia stwarza mały światek wokół niego. Otaczająca zwierzę rzeczywistość dostarcza mu zespołu najlepszych możliwych danych dla osiągania celów tego zwierzęcia.


Ten “cel”  mozna przetlumaczyc na ludzka mowe jako “wszystkiego najlepszego” albo “szczescie” .Mózg zwierzęcia jest mały ale bardzo sprawny. „Wie coś” tylko gdy to konieczne, tak jak DNA „pamięta” tylko gdy trzeba pamiętać, wszystko co ponad to wycinane jest przez nieubłaganą ewolucję. Dla genów zwierzęcia oznacza to „przezycie i trwanie” , dla naukowca spoglądającego na to zwierzę stanowi to źródło rosnącej złożoności, swoistą „fabrykę” przetwarzającą energię na informację.

Wszystkie te procesy odbywaja sie w czasie- oczywiscie.

Ta “oczywistosc”  wskazuje na to ze czas tak jak rzeczywistosc nalezy do zespolu danych stworzonych  przez uklad nerwowy zwierzecia.

Intelicentryk widzi świat zwierzęcia jako jedne z miliardów “osobistych” czy tez “stworzonych przez jeden organizm” światów minionych, współczesnych i przyszłych. Widzi więc świat jako swój Kosmos Osobisty skonstruowany dokładnie tak samo jak mały światek każdego zwierzaka.

Od urodzenia budowany dla szczęścia, budowany „od podstaw” przez rozwijajacy sie uklad nerwowy.. Próbując zrozumieć to wszystko, to właśnie, oddzielamy jedne funkcje układu nerwowego od drugich budując system składający się z postrzegania, myślenia, pamięci, instynktów, uczuć, snów, świadomości i tak dalej. W nieskończoność dzielmy dane na rozmaite kategorie,dzielimy narracje na „rzeczywistość”, „prawdę”, „wierzenia”.


My, ludzie jesteśmy nadmiernie uspołecznieni, dlatego w konstruowaniu naszych

Kosmosów Osobistych używamy danych pochodzących od naszego własnego systemu

nerwowego i także danych z systemów nerwowych innych ludzi i zwierzat – przodkow i nauczycieli. Zwarta mieszanina danych zaczyna się u dziecka od pierwszego rozpoznania uśmiechu matki (cóż to takiego? Wzrusza mnie i raduje!), a kończy się nam w śmiertelnej pościeli. Nasze Kosmosy Osobiste zachodzą na siebie wzajem tworząc wspaniały wieczny splot, Gobelin Światów.


Czego więcej nam potrzeba, któż mógłby coś do tego dodać – i jakim sposobem

miałby to zrobić?


Nie ma Swiata Nikogo.


TER (towards evolutionary reality) and Nobody’s Universe

The evolution determines why and how we try to figure out this world – with the brain, the heart and the soul. “Nobody’s” emphasizes the illusion, created by the evolution, the science and the religion- that we live, each of us lonely, in the huge, unknown foreign Nobody’s -or God’s Universe. If so, you and me with our senses and our intellect could just clumsily collect its random and tiny, meaningless samples  And this would be our life.

But, there is no Nobody’s Universe.


The animal’s nervous system creates a small universe around this animal. This “ reality” around it provides the best possible set of data to secure animal’s goals, which can be translated into human language as happiness. or well being or understanding.

The animals brain is small but very efficient. It ”knows” only what is necessary, like DNA “remembers” only what is needed, the rest is discarded by merciless evolution.  For the animal’s genes, it translates as “survival and continuation’, for the scientists looking at this animal it translates as the source of increase of complexity, the “factory” where the energy is consumed and the information is produced.

  The TEO sees this animal’s universe as one of the myriads of the single organism’s universes, past, present and future. We should look at the World as Personal Universe, constructed exactly the way this animal’s small universe was constructed. Build from birth for happiness, built “from the scratch”, by the developing nervous system. In the process of trying to understand this , we humans divided the functions of our nervous system into perception, thinking, memory, instincts, feelings, dreams, consciousness and others. We categorized endlessly the data (actually the stories) into “reality”, “truth”,”myths” or “faith”.

We humans are hyper-social , so we used in the building process the data from our nervous system and the data from the nervous system of others. The tight mix of data begins from the baby’s first perception of the mother’s smile (“what’s the heck is that? It sure resonates deeply and feels good”) and ends at the death bed. Our Universes overlap, creating a wonderful , eternal tapestry of the personal worlds. They overlap and mingle across the World , but also into the past and in the future.


We live in  the World of the Evolutionary Objectivity. It is real and solid and following all rules of science. It is also mine and yours, our personal worlds intertwined as the complex mixture of perceptions, thoughts and feelings, some shared some not. They are felt and understood exactly as the evolution made the communication, the information, the function of the nervous system to be felt and understood for eons.


Each of us, me ,you and you and you, has been building this World since birth as the source of the pride, responsibility and concern.

Evo-ob belongs to each being completely….and separately.

Why would we need anything else,? Who and how and why would make anything else?

There is no Nobody’s Universe.


The implicit worldview and the explicit worldview

Explicit and implicit worldview,

The World is trying to define itself. We witness the paroxysms of the violence of the heroism , the faith and nihilism. But all of that is nothing else but the sum of each human personal struggle.
People define themselves by living their lives, and desperately trying to make sense of it.
For millennia some of them attempt to express this in literature, art and music.
The philosophers distilled that to several basic categories, represented by the infamous “Big Questions”.
This is the worldview.It is how you see the World, your opinions, your attitude and your guts. In the innate, experiential form, or implicit form- it is in the everybody’s bones.
In the modern times ,as more and more people, are educated, reflective, even obsessed with mindfulness and examining your own mind, the explicit (written down) worldview become more popular.
The domain of philosophers, religious doctrines and scientific theories become the object of the TED talks, self-improvement books or even party conversation.
In the Philozophy.com we are trying to encourage and help an ordinary thinking person to work on his or hers worldview. We think that the answer, or as Vidal call it-”position”, should be short enough to be easily digested and compared with others, but long enough to be meaningful and personal- yours. We arbitrarily decided on the wording of each question, but we included alternative wording or “sub-questions”.
These statements , if they feel yours and true, we believe, can be the very important signposts in your journey to live full and good life.
And if we put them together on the Philozophy.com – we’ll build a smarter planet.